Work With Us

We encourage interested groups and individuals to work with us in bringing the benefits of play to children who lack them. We can provide detailed templates based on our previous activities, which are adaptable to local conditions. We offer consultation and access to experts that we may know, and can also provide limited supplies.

​There are many ways to become involved. You may be a teacher or expert, or wish to volunteer. You may be part of an organization whose interests are aligned with ours. If you would like to learn more, please contact us.

If you would like to apply for a CPI grant, please go to Grants for detailed instructions.

CPI Grants

CPI grants financial support to groups and individuals pursuing projects that further CPI’s mission of bringing the benefits of play to children that lack them. We recommend that before you apply for support, you read our extended discussion of play at The Importance of Play. We will ask that you explain how your project is consistent with CPI’s understanding of play.

Find out more

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