
Childsplay International logo


We firmly believe that PLAY is the most effective way to engage, empower, and educate all children! Your donation makes a direct impact on our education programs for children across multiple locations.

Play Video about Cover image children in Kenya

Our Heartfelt Gratitude for Your Support of Vulnerable Children's Education.

Girls in CPI storytelling program in Kenya with their drawings
Children in our Storytelling program in Kenya holding up drawings of their interpretation of the stories told.

A school in Kenya where over 30% of the students are impacted by HIV

30% of the students at the primary school we work with are HIV orphans, or otherwise impacted by HIV. The school uses CPI's Storytelling Program to build community among the children. Older students tell stories to the younger ones in a safe environment, followed by drawing and conversation. We are USD 2,000 away from our goal.

South Sudanese Refugees in Uganda

We aim to expand the program to reach a larger number of children, extending beyond schools to involve the wider community. This expansion should encompass multiple schools to ensure a significant impact on students. To support this growth, increased logistical assistance is crucial, aiding storytellers, and acquiring necessary materials for the students. We are USD 2,000 from our goal!

Storytelling for a Brighter Future in Kenya

Our valued local partner in Migori, is dedicated to empowering vulnerable children, women, and girls. She collaborates closely with a local nonprofit focusing on women’s rights and youth development. We organized educational storytelling workshops where vulnerable children shared traditional tales and their personal stories. These circles allow children to express thoughts, share experiences, heal and enhance understanding together. We are USD 1,800 away from our goal.



Children reached